General Statement of Health and Safety Policy
The Directors and Senior Manager of Mellard and Sons Ltd regard the promotion of Health and Safety as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels.
It is therefore the company’s policy to do all that is “reasonably practicable” to prevent personal injury, occupational related ill health and damage to property for both our employees and others who might be affected by our operations, and to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment.
Mellard and Sons Ltd is committed to achieving full compliance with all of the relevant Health and Safety Legislation as a minimum and to the continuing improvements in standards.
The board of Directors has appointed Steve Goodwin as the Senior Manager Responsible for Health and Safety within the company.
The Company shall, where reasonably practicable: -
Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
Provide all necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment and supervise its correct use thereof.
Provide a constant and continued interest in health and safety matters applicable to the company’s activities, in particular by consulting, informing and involving employees wherever possible.
In return employees have a duty to co-operate (as outlined in section seven of the Health and Safety at Work Act) in the spirit and operation of this policy by (amongst others): -
Working safely and efficiently, using the methods of work devised and the personal protective equipment provided.
Reporting incidents that may lead or have led to injury or damage.
Assisting in the investigation of an accident to facilitate the implementation of measures to prevent its reoccurrence.
This policy will be kept up to date in line with changes in Legislation, Regulation and working practices. It will be reviewed annually for any alterations that may be required and whenever any relevant workplace changes occur.
Steve Goodwin Senior Manager Responsible for Health & Safety
Simon Mellard Managing Director
November 2018